iPad & Android Apps for Student Projects

Touchcast Studio
Touchcast Studio Instructions – Printable instructions for using Touchcast Studio for creating newscasts.
Students as Newscasters blog post – See how students have used Touchcast to create news-style videos

iStopMotion Cheat Sheet – Printable instructions for using iStopMotion including instructions on how to save to Google Drive as MP4 video file.
iStopMotion Instructions Slide Show – Slideshow with screenshots will help teachers lead students through creating their first iStopMotion project.
Stop Motion in the Math Classroom Blog Post – Math students can better understand abstract concepts by slowing the steps downs using Stop Motion video to demonstrate their learning.

DoInk Greenscreen
DoInk Greenscreen Cheat Sheet – Understand the menu features of DoInk Greenscreen to create your own video.

Adobe Spark Video
Adobe Spark Video Cheat Sheet – Create narrated videos with beautiful images, icons or embeded video clips, apply themes and background music.
Adobe Spark Video Graphic Organizer – From Adobe Creative Cloud, this printable PDF graphic organizer allows students to storyboard and plan out their projects in advance of creating them in Adobe Spark Video.
Adobe Spark in the Classroom – Website for educators from Adobe to support Adobe Spark in the classroom includes student exemplars, downloadable PDF guide for educators and more.