Web Tools for Teaching & Learning

Adobe Spark
- Adobe Spark Video Cheat Sheet – Create narrated videos with beautiful images, icons or embeded video clips, apply themes and background music.
- Adobe Spark Video Graphic Organizer – From Adobe Creative Cloud, this printable PDF graphic organizer allows students to storyboard and plan out their projects in advance of creating them in Adobe Spark Video.
- Adobe Spark in the Classroom – Website for educators from Adobe to support Adobe Spark in the classroom includes student exemplars, downloadable PDF guide for educators and more.
- Adobe Spark Post Cheat Sheet – Add text using a wide range of fonts, apply filters and more to create engaging images that can be shared easily.
- Adobe for Education Deployment Guide & Tip Sheet for Student Sign in Process

Formative Assessment Tools
- Formative Assessment Comparison Chart – Compare some of the best formative assessment options available by viewing information about the quiz building features, student access and data collection options for each tool.
- Creating Collaborative Quizzes with Flippity – Using a Google Sheets template, students can create a Jeopardy-Style game that the whole class can enjoy as a way to review.

Coding in the Classroom
- Introductions Activity using Scratch – Students introduce themselves in this beginner Scratch activity intended to be done as a pair programming challenge.
- Creating a Math Word Problem Game in Scratch – Step-by-Step instructions for students to create a word problem game in Scratch that peers can play as a way to review math concepts.

Other Web Tools for Classrooms
- Padlet Cheat Sheet – Padlet is a simple, flexible digital bulletin board that can be used both by teachers and students in many different ways.
- Creating a Talking Avatar with Voki – This tutorial video walks you through how to make a talking avatar using the free version of Voki.
- Preparing Kids for Computer-Based Testing – Blog post featuring a collection of free web tools to support student development of critical mouse, touchpad and keyboard skills as well as test-building sites for teachers that allow for novel test items.

Online Professional Learning Networking
- Recommended Blogs to Follow – Jump start your online PLN with this list of recommended bloggers to follow, categorized by topic.
- Twitter Teams Blog Post – Learn how to share a Twitter account with a team easily without sharing passwords.