Google Resources

These Google Apps (G Suite for Education) resources feature clearly labeled screen shots from some of the most popular Google Apps along with detailed information about the various menu options and features. Video tutorial playlists and handouts that can be used for training in your school are available below. To receive free access to my Google Cheat Sheets Bundle, which includes: Google Classroom, Google Forms, Google Calendar, Google Maps and the NEW Google Sites Cheat Sheets, subscribe HERE to have these great resources emailed to you immediately.

Google Classroom
- Google Classroom Cheat Sheet – Features screen shots from different areas within the a teacher’s Google Classroom account and the available options in each screen.
- Google Classroom Tutorials Playlist – Includes Google Classroom beginning of the year procedures and end of year procedures for Google Classroom.

Google Drive
- Shifting to the Cloud – Google Drive Basics: Training resource for users new to Google Drive and cloud storage. Includes information about moving content to Google Drive, creating folders, organizing Google Drive files
- Sharing Files or Folders as a Public Link – Link sharing is a powerful way to share out your G Suite files without requiring viewers to have Google accounts.
- Google Drive Playlist – Step by step instructions for adding files to multiple folders in Google Drive and organizing “Shared with Me” files into Google Drive folders of your choice.

G Suite: Google Docs, Sheets, Slides & Forms
- Providing Feedback for Digital Writing – Explore the various options for providing effective feedback for students’ writing in Google Docs with Comment, Chat, voice comments, review revision history in novel ways and more.
- Working with Images in Doc & Slides – Printable handout with tips and tricks for working with images. Check out my “Working with Images”
- Google Forms Cheat Sheet – features screenshots of the new Google Forms interface and tips on how you can use this flexible tool to create customized surveys, assessments and more! Subscribe to receive this resource which is part of the “Google Cheat Sheets Bundle”
- Google Forms Tutorials Playlist – Create Google Forms, view and manage responses in Google Sheets
- Advance Forms Tutorial Videos: Single-Approver Workflow, Advanced Forms and Add-Ons

Google Chrome Web Browser
- Chrome: The Web Browser with Superpowers – Training materials to share information about Chrome browser functionality including pinning tabs, bookmarking, incognito windows, and more.
- Amp Up Your Online Experience with Chrome Extensions – Finding and installing Apps and Extensions in Google Chrome Browser as well as suggested Chrome Extensions by category.
- Chrome Browser Tutorials Playlist – Managing multiple users in Chrome, tab management, incognito browsing

NEW Google Sites
- Google Sites Cheat Sheet – Provides users with a complete index of the menus and features available in the completely re-designed Google Sites!

G Suite Productivity Tools – GMail, Google Keep, Google Calendar
- Controlling your Inbox – Gmail Tips & Tricks – Gmail menu overview, setting up tabbed inbox, archiving verses deleting email, creating and using canned responses, organizing with lables and filters.
- Gmail Tutorials Playlist – Learn how to filter and organize email. Create canned responses to save time.
- Remotely Sign out from Google Drive & Gmail – Popular TeachingForward blog post describing how users can log out from all Google Drive and Gmail web sessions remotely.
- Google Calendar Cheat Sheet – includes screenshots of Google Calendar along with instructions for creating events including “find a time” feature, managing calendars and sharing and adding public calendars.