See Students and Present in Meet
Teachers need to be able to see students while presenting content to classes in Google Meet. Check out the following display options which use equipment available in most classrooms. Whether you are teaching fully online or streaming while hybrid teaching, having a set up that allows you to monitor students online while presenting content is key. Below are a couple of options teachers can use.
Single Computer + Projector

- Open the Meet call on your teacher device.
- Open a NEW Chrome window for sites / content you want to display from your projector and/or to students on the Meet.
- Drag the NEW window created in step 2 to the right. Continue to move it until it appears on the projector display. This is an “extended display” set up, meaning one device can be used to display two different things.
- The result should be your Meet window on your teacher device and the information you want to project showing for the class in a separate window (extended display) visible on the projected screen.
- To control windows, move the mouse to the far right or left to reach each window.
- To improve your ability to “see” students in the Meet window on your teacher device, install Meet Grid View Fix Chrome Extension. This will remove the “Presenting” window from your Meet. See suggested settings below:

Two Computers + Projector

- Device #1 will be used to display students.
- Open Meet call.
- Mute and disable video in the Meet on this device.
- To improve your ability to “see” students in the Meet window on your teacher device, install Meet Grid View Fix Chrome Extension. This will remove the “Presenting” window from your Meet.
- Device #2 (Primary Teacher Device) – will be used to present to the class on the projector AND via Google Meet.
- Open Meet Call (same link – joining on this second device)
- Configure device to Mirror your display – the same content on your teacher device is “mirrored” on the projected screen. To Mirror your display:
- On a Chromebook:
- Click the clock on the bottom right corner of the device
- Click the Settings gear icon
- Scroll down until you see Device → Displays
- Click Displays & check the “Mirror” box
- On a PC:
- From the start menu click Settings –> System –> Display
- Choose “Mirror Display”
- On a Chromebook: