Making Google Classroom Calendar Public for Parents

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Making Google Classroom Calendar Public Blog Post HeaderSharing Your Google Classroom Calendar

The Google Classroom Calendar can be used to help keep parents in the loop about assignments.  An alternative to Guardian Email Summaries is to share the assignment calendar for your Classroom with parents to keep families informed. Every class has it’s own Calendar showing assignments by their due date making it easier to know about upcoming work.

Making your Classroom Assignment Calendar Available to Parents

  1. Go to the “Classwork” page within Google Classroom for a particular class
  2. Click the Calendar icon located at the top right corner. Accessing Classroom Calendar 
  3. Access the Calendar Sharing settings by clicking the 3 dots to the right of the calendar you want to make public.
  4. Choose Settings & Sharing.
    Calendar Sharing Settings
  5. Scroll to “Access Permissions” section and click “Make this Calendar Public”
  6. Scroll to “Integrate Calendar”. Choose a method for sharing with parents – Public link or Embed code to add to a website.Calendar publicizing options

Video Tutorial: Making Google Classroom Assignment Calendar Public for Parents

For a detailed tutorial on this process, including how to test the link you are sharing to make sure it will be viewable by parents, take a look at the video below:

Additional Resources

Google Classroom Cheat Sheet

Keeping Parents in the Loop with Google Classroom

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