Quickly Navigate Google Docs Using Bookmarks

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Blog post header image: Quickly Navigate in Google Docs using BookmarksNavigate long Google Docs quickly with the use of Bookmarks to easily jump to places within your document. Whether used as an index or replacement for a typical table of contents, read on to learn how to create and use Bookmarks with Google Docs.

Creating Bookmarks – 3 Simple Steps

  1. Insert: Position your cursor next to the area in the Google Doc that you want to be able to quickly navigate to. Choose “Insert” –> “Bookmark” from the top menu in Google Docs
  2. Link: Click the word “link” that will appear immediately after you insert your Bookmark. Doing so creates a link that will navigate users to that specific place in your Document.
  3. Hyperlink Text: In a different part of your document you will want to highlight text that you can hyperlink to the Bookmark you just created. Once you highlight the text, click “Insert” –> “Link” in the same way you would link to another website, but instead choose “Bookmarks” from the link menu and select your desired location.

Animated GIF showing steps for creating Bookmarks

Simplified Navigation

I typically create a table of contents style list in my Google Docs at the top that will allow users to quickly navigate to different parts. In this sample Newspaper template for Google Docs, I added Bookmarks to allow readers to jump to their favorite section. In another example, I created a lesson plan and at the top users can quickly go to a specific day of the lesson by clicking on the hyperlinked text.

The use of Bookmarks isn’t restricted to navigating inside of a single document. You can provide links to others, that open Docs to a specific place. In THIS example the link opens to page 2 of a document.

Video Tutorial – Create & Navigate with Bookmarks in Google Docs

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