Say More Using Voki in the Classroom

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Voki Avatars in the Classroom Say More with Talking Avatars – Use Voki in the Classroom

Get all of your students sharing by incorporating talking Voki avatars in your classroom. With so many schools starting the year off with 1:1 Chromebook classrooms, why not put that awesome technology to use right away by having your kids introduce themselves with their own uniquely created avatar?  Using the free web tool, Voki, kids can do just that! Voki works perfectly with Chromebooks, PCs or Macs and is a great way to have kids practice their speaking skills! An email is required to register, so if you have younger kids, just create a single account and set up center so kids can work on making their avatars over the course of the week. Avatars can be shared with a web link in Google Classroom or consider having kids add their links to a Padlet wall!

Creating Your Voki AvatarVoki Avatar creation

To get started, login to Voki and choose “Create a Voki”.

  1. Select your avatar – TIP: Be sure to scroll through to see all available options . Some avatars are free, while others are only available with a paid subscription. Those will be flagged with a “Only in Voki Classroom & Voki Presenter” on the top left corner of the avatar preview (see example right).
  2. Customize your avatar’s features. You can scroll through hair, clothing, bling and more depending on the avatar you choose.
  3. Use the color and Tweek customize options located below your avatar preview window to further personalize your Voki avatar.
  4. Want to roll the dice and see what avatar Voki autogenerates for you, instead? You can click the undo icon if you don’t like what you see. Remember to avoid those with the premium banner in the top right (see example right) if you want to stick with the free version.
  5. Give it a voice! Record your voice for up to 60 seconds using any of the following options:
    1. Calling a phone number provided & entering a passcode to record
    2. Type & use text to speech feature
    3. Record using your devices built-in microphone
    4. Upload a previously recorded audio file
  6. Select a background. Tip: As with step 1 above, be sure to scroll through the available choices.
  7. Publish your Voki avatar which can be shared via the link provided to you.

Learn more about using Voki by viewing THIS video tutorial which will walk you through the process of how to create a Voki from start to finish!

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